My name is Evelyn Mendoza. I am the Lunch Supervisor at Our Lady of Loretto Elementary. Becoming a member of OLL school is not just a pleasure to me but a blessing as well. I look forward to helping all children, parents, families, and co-workers!
As Lunch Supervisor, I will distribute and receive lunch applications from parents, making sure they are filled out CORRECTLY. I will then forward them to the archdiocese for further evaluation to determine if the families qualify for either FREE or REDUCED lunches. If children do not qualify for either of them they can purchase breakfast or lunch for full price.
We all have to agree that nutrition plays a significant role in each and everyone’s of our lives. At OLL nutrition for all of our children is PRIORITY. As part of my job, I will work with the principal, staff, the food company, and you, parents, to help keep our children in good health conditions.
The food is served to our students on the following schedule:
Recess Schedule
9:45AM - 10:05AM
Lunch Schedule
12:15PM - 12:50PM
Early Dismissal Days, the lunchtime is adjusted as follows:
TK and Kinder 11:00 AM
1st and 2nd 11:10 AM
3rd to 8th 11:20 AM
Due to child safety office is closed during recess, lunch, and dismissal every day.
It will always be a pleasure helping you and your children. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding our lunch program or need help filling out your lunch application form, please feel free to contact me either in person, by phone, or by email at [email protected]
May God bless us all!
Karina Rodriguez
Lunch Program Coordinator