Welcome to 3rd Grade OLL!
My name is Ms. Nahue and I'm excited about the year ahead and look forward to teaching your
child and working with you to make this a great year.
Throughout this year, I will also be preparing our 3rd-grade students for their sacrament of First
Holy Communion. This process will help enrich their spiritual journey as they fulfill an important
sacrament fortifying their Catholic spirit. I will work on enhancing the minds and souls of our
students as they evolve spiritually to understand the values of the sacraments as it pertains to
our religious foundation.
I believe that learning should be challenging, exciting, and thought-provoking. I want this to be a
fun year for your child, but let us help them remember that it is a place where they study, work,
and produce. It is a place where they learn skills that will help them grow to their fullest
My goal is to help your child develop that potential by creating a positive learning atmosphere
where your child’s desire to learn and do well becomes intrinsic.
During our Back to School event, I will address expectations, curriculum, online learning
platforms, etc. I look forward to a productive year.
Ms. Nahue
“With God All Things Are Possible” Matthew 19:26